
Clan => D.E.T. Applications => Topic started by: xiaojiecll on October 16, 2013, 10:54:58 pm

Title: Doundoune Moncler Femme plus two new 1
Post by: xiaojiecll on October 16, 2013, 10:54:58 pm
Where they go: Africa, , Eu?rope,Doundoune Moncler Femme (, ,Moncler Pas Cher (, the Caribbean,Doudoune Moncler (, Alaska,Doundoune Moncler (, , South Amer?ica, and the South Pa?cif?ic.
Who's on?board? Most?ly cou?ples, age 50-plus, at?tract?ed by the longer des?ti?na?tion-fo?cused itineraries (most are 10 days and up). No chil?dren to be seen (there are no fa?cil?ities or staff for them).
Else?where are oth?er fea?tures you'd ex?pect to find on prici?er lines, in?clud?ing a gen?er?al?ly re?fined on?board decor with in?ti?mate get-away spaces – including  run by experienced baristas. The line's newest ships have a big de?sign fo?cus, in?clud?ing lav?ish top suites fur?nished in Ralph Lau?ren Home and a Pi?cas?so or two in the im?pres?sive Latin-focused art col?lec?tions. There are few ac?tiv?ities and that's by de?sign — pas?sen?gers pre?fer to en?ter?tain them?selves. But what is of?fered is very good, in?clud?ing cook?ing schools run in con?junc?tion with Bon Ap?pétit mag?azine; and the Artist Loft (on Ma?ri?na and Riv?iera), which of?fers art lessons and craft?ing class?es. Dress is coun?try-club ca?su?al. The line includes air in the cruise fare.
The ex?pe?ri?ence: As the line has grown and ex?pand?ed, its orig?inal hall?marks of so?phis?ti?cat?ed food and ser?vice haven't changed. Din?ing is a main fea?ture of an Ocea?nia cruise. With open seat?ing of?fered in all restau?rants, and  ex?cept for wine tast?ing menus or pri?vate din?ners, this is a cruise ex?pe?ri?ence built for those who love food. The line's con?sul?tant chef is the fa?mous Jacques Pepin, who has epony?mous?ly named French restau?rants on?board the two newest ships, Ma?ri?na and Riv?iera. The Lido buffet is simply the best at sea – dinner offerings including highlights from the main dining room menu, sushi, plus grilled lobster and lamb chops any night. Meals can be enjoyed under the stars at outdoor tables on warm-weather nights.
 plus two new 1,250-passenger vessels, Oceania still de?fies be?ing but?ton?holed and that's a very good thing. Think des?ti?na?tion-fo?cused, premium cruis?ing with style and extraordinary cuisine. This is the .
Contact: (800) 531-5658 or (305) 514-2300;
--Fran Golden is the Experience Cruise expert blogger and a contributing editor of Porthole Magazine. She is the co-author of Frommer's Alaska Cruises and Ports of Call.
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